Equality Policy

Blink / Outline /Tin Roof
Our equality and diversity policy Revised June 15th 2021

Outline, Blink and Tin Roof recognises that diversity and inclusion help to support
creativity and innovation: they are an essential ingredient in a successful television
company. We are committed to encouraging diversity and inclusion and to ensuring
there is no discrimination in our company. We want our workforce to be truly
representative of all sections of society. We want our company to be one in which
every employee and freelancer feels respected and able to give of their best.

To that end this policy provides a framework of equality and fairness for all in our
employment. It expresses our commitment not to discriminate on the grounds of age, sex, disability, gender, gender reassignment, class, marital status (including civil
partnerships), race, ethnicity, colour, nationality, religion, belief or sexual orientation.

We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

This policy applies to employed and freelance staff and to people working on and off

All freelancers and employees, whether part-time, full-time or temporary, will be
treated fairly and with respect. Selection for employment – whether as a member of
staff or on a freelance basis - will be on the basis of aptitude and ability. Access to
opportunities for promotion, training or any other benefit will also be on the basis of
aptitude and ability. All employees will be encouraged to develop their full potential
and the talents and resources of the workforce will be fully utilised to maximise the
creativity and success of the company.

We will:

  • Actively champion increasing diversity and diversity awareness in our industry
    and review how effective this has been annually
  • Actively seek to increase the number of people we work with who are from
    groups/communities that are under-represented in the television industry as a
    whole, or in particular job roles in the industry.
  • Annually Review all our formal and informal employment/hiring practices and
    procedures to ensure they are fair and help us to identify the best talent.
  • Identify and take opportunities to increase the diversity of casting decisions - and share these numbers and decisions after each production.
  • Ensure reasonable adjustments are made to enable disabled people to work in or with our company, both on and off screen.
  • Actively seek to increase the diversity of our talent networks.
  • Create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our staff and freelancers are recognised and valued.
  • Ensure every employee and freelancer is able to work in an environment that
    promotes dignity and respect for all. We will not tolerate any form of intimidation, bullying or harassment.

We have set ourselves the following specific diversity goals at Outline in 2021
We will:

  1. Ensure that the policy is known to all employees and if possible, to all applicants.
  2. Commit to advertising all roles to help ensure we are reaching out beyond
    known networks and creating opportunities in the widest group and to share
    data based on this policy in order to continue to try to improve the diversity of
    our hiring
  3. Start to monitor and measure our workforce, collect the data and report biannually on how we are doing to identify any under-represented groups. This
    will enable us to create a base level to improve from and to keep our focus on
    the highest priority areas
  4. Provide in-house training and guidance for production staff and managers and
    those involved in selection and recruitment to ensure that they understand their position in law and under company policy.
  5. Raise awareness amongst our existing management and senior team and
    brief new managers and hirers about recognising unconscious bias and how
    we can combat it
  6. Hold a meeting at the start of every production to inform the whole team of the
    company’s and our broadcaster’s priorities for improving diversity inclusion in
    our teams as well as on screen. This will be a chance for the team to offer
    suggestions on how to deliver on our diversity, inclusion and representation
    goals, and these suggestions will be recorded and best practice ideas will be
    shared between teams.
  7. Hold debrief meetings at the end of every production to look at how we did on
    diversity and inclusion and what we could do better – sharing the information
    on what has been most successful between teams to improve outcomes
    across the board
  8. Cultivate networks of BAME and disabled talent pro-actively to ensure that
    when we are hiring we are reaching out to the broadest groups and review
    how effective that has been annually.
  9. Celebrate Diversity and Inclusion efforts and improved outcomes regularly
    among the team and wider group
  10. Ensure diversity is a Board priority by including it as an agenda point monthly.

We will monitor the success of this policy regularly and review our progress and
procedures and revise our goals once a year. We have developed an action plan to
help us implement this policy. This policy is fully supported by the senior
management of the company and the Tin Roof Group.